Corrections Haiku
Students in two different corrections courses were asked to create a Haiku based on the course or myself. Technically, this is "pseudo-Haiku" as the only requirement was following the three line, 5-7-5 syllable pattern.
Haiku |
Comments |
Rehabilitation/Corrections Policy Haiku |
Maker of Scared Straight |
One of my life missions is to debunk the myth that Scared Straight! programs have any positive effect on participants. |
Pretty Successful High-risk Offender Program Multi systemic |
MST is a very successful rehabilitation program. |
Professor Maahs/Course Haiku |
The night before class I guess I'll check his website Shit, a paper's due |
I believe this represents the collective voice of many students. |
His head is balding Brain containing much knowledge Hard to retain it |
Ouch. |
Giving guns to kids, |
OK, I did allow young children, under supervision, to shoot BB guns. |
Jeff Maahs is a boss |
Who is Rick Ross? |
Early in the Morn With Coffee and Mountain Dew We learn corrections |
Walked into class Spilled my coffee on day one Name stuck all along |
This student became known as "coffee spiller." Opening morning is a bad day to do something like that. |
Oh prison tours What would I do without thee Get some Dairy Queen |
The post-tour Dairy Queen stop was the best part of the prison tour for some students. |
Poor Wisconsin man, Packers are gonna lose the Superbowl again |
I guess I should be wary of such a warning, given that it came from a fan of a team that has lost every Super Bowl game that it played. |
Professor Jeff Maahs Wearing his sandals and socks Cheers for the Packers |
Oh, to my surprise, A Packer fan I would find, Laughing at my pain |
That doesn't sound like something I would do... |
You have a fun class, And are sometimes quite funny But it is just too early |
Sandal Haiku |
I wear socks underneath my sandals. I am convinced I am on the cutting edge of a new trend. Students (and my wife) disagree. |
Dr. Maahs CANNOT Make wearing socks with sandals Look innovative |
Prof Maahs has sick flow |
Professor Maahs |